Exercise Sheets
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Linear temporal logic (LTL)
Exercise sheet: [ PDF] |
[ Solutions]
Extra sheet on LTL equivalences:
[ PDF] |
[ Solutions]
Spot is available
at https://spot.lrde.epita.fr. In
particular, the on-line translator used in class
is here, and
you can obtain sequences satisfying a formula through the "Büchi
Run" panel.
- 3. Promela and Spin
- 4. Büchi automata
- 5. LTL to Büchi automata translation
Exercise sheet: [ PDF]
- 6. Emptiness check
Exercise sheet: [ PDF]
| [ Solutions]
- 7. Partial-order reduction
Exercise sheet: [ PDF]
| [ Solutions]
- 8. Computation tree logic (CTL)
Exercise sheet: [ PDF]
| [ Solutions]
- 9. Binary decision diagrams (BDD)
Exercise sheet: [ PDF]
- 10. NuSMV and CTL