Note: This is an archvied version of our old webpage. Some links might be broken. The current one can be found here.


N.B.: We will only have a single exam at the end of the semester. There will be no retake.

Grading Scheme

Grades will be determined using the following table:

Points - Grade
[0,5) 5,0
[5,11) 4,7
[11,17) 4,3
[17,19] 4,0
(19,22] 3,7
(22,24] 3,3
(24,26] 3,0
(26,28] 2,7
(28,30] 2,3
(30,32] 2,0
(32,34] 1,7
(34,36] 1,3
(36,40] 1,0

where (a,b] = { x ∈ ℜ : a < x ≤ b } and [a,b) = { x ∈ ℜ : a ≤ x < b }.

Auxiliary Means

No auxiliary means other than a non-programmable calculator are allowed.

Previous years' exams

Try for yourself and only look at the solution after you have finished the test (do not cheat yourself :)).