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Model-Checking SS 2011

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Exercise 1: May 2 (discussion on May 5)

  1. Recap of logic. Read Tom Henzinger's "How To Write a Proof" and Sections 1.1 - 1.6 in this book (PDF).
  2. Prove or give a counterexample: ((∀ y: P(y)) ∨ (∀ z: Q(z))) → (∀ x: P(x) ∨ Q(x)).
  3. Prove or give a counterexample: (∀ x: P(x) ∨ Q(x)) → ((∀ y: P(y)) ∨ (∀ z: Q(z))).
  4. Read (PDF). Prove a dual of Theorem 2, i.e., prove that if a node is reachable then it will be an element of the set C.

Exercise 2: May 11

Exercise sheet.

Exercise 3: May 13

Exercise sheet.

Exercise 4: May 16

Exercise sheet.

Exercise 5: May 17

Exercise sheet.

Exercise 6: May 23

Exercise sheet.

Exercise 7: May 24

Exercise sheet.

Exercise 8: May 30

Exercise 9: June 6

Exercise 10: June 7

Exercise 11: June 20

Exercise sheet.

Exercise 12: June 27

Exercise sheet.

Exercise 13: June 28

Exercise sheet.

Exercise 14: July 5

Exercise sheet.