Note: This is an archvied version of our old webpage. Some links might be broken. The current one can be found here.
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Chair for Foundations of Software Reliability and Theoretical Computer Science
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Model-Checking SS 2009

  News | Basic information | Content | Exercises | Slides | Links

The lecture is accompanied by a weekly, two hours exercise lesson. The exact exercise date will be arranged with the audience at the beginning of the lecture set.

The exercise held will be alternated as central and as tutor exercise. Every two weeks will be spent exercises, whose processing has to be made within the next two weeks.

Exercise Sheets

Here you will find the up to now exercise sheets issued:
  • Exercises sheet 1 for 7th May and 14th May: [PDF]
  • Exercises sheet 2 for 28th May: [PDF]
  • Exercises sheet 3 for 18th June and 25th June (also SMV presentation): [PDF]
  • Exercises sheet 4 for 2nd July: [PDF]
  • Exercises sheet 5 for 16th July (two lectures): [PDF]