Cryptography WS 2014/2015
To access the slides:
- Username = "crypto14"
- For the password, see [here]
References, Further Reading, Tools
- The lecture is mostly based on
- A very comprehensive book on algebra, number theory and their computational aspects is
- On Oded Goldreich's homepage you can find several draft versions of books by him on the more theoretical aspects of cryptography,
in particular, on the study of cryptographic primitives:
- A nice wiki for cryptography: CRYPTUTOR.
- If you want to see, how the cryptographic schemes discussed in the lecture are implemented in practice, have a look at the crypto++ library by Wei Dai.
- Further references
regarding cryptography in general:
- Lecture notes by Yevgeniy Dodis.
- Kryptologie, Ch. Karpfinger, H. Kiechle, Vieweg+Teubner 2010
- Einführung in die Kryptographie, Johannes Buchmann, Springer Verlag, 2010
- Handbook of applied cryptography, A. Menezes, P. van Oorschot, S. Vanstone, CRC, 2001
- Cryptool
regarding computational complexity:
- Computational Complexity, S. Arora, B. Barak, Cambridge University Press, 2009
- Computational Complexity, C. Papadimitriou, Addison Wesley, 1995
regarding elliptic curves:
- Elliptic Cruves - Number Theory and Cryptography (2n edition), L. Washington, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2008
- Elliptic Curve Public Key Cryptosystems, A. Menezes, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993)
- Elliptische Kurven in der Kryptographie, A. Werner, Springer, 2002