Note: This is an archvied version of our old webpage. Some links might be broken. The current one can be found here.
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Chair for Foundations of Software Reliability and Theoretical Computer Science
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Master Seminar - Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (WS14/15)

  News | Content | Grading | Time schedule | Material


Grading will be based on:
  • Preparation phase.
  • Written summary (4-8 pages) of the presentation.
  • Presentation.
  • Active participation during the discussion.

Presentation + Summary

All participants are expected to give a decent presentation. During and after every lecture there will be (a) discussion(s).

Everyone has to prepare a short summary of the presentation which has to be handed out at the end of the talk.

Please prepare enjoyable slides! Use a clean layout and font and include appropriate figures. Feel free to use the blackboard or projector e.g. for highlighting important facts or developing examples. Before you start working on your presentation, please read the "Guidelines for Creating Presentations" from the LaTeX-beamer userguide.

If you want to use LaTex for your slides (we encourage you to do so) you can find some useful sources here:


We will provide some basic literature --- additionally we expect every participant to search for further literature! Every presentation will be supervised by one member of the chair who will always be happy to answer questions and provide guidance on how to give a good presentation.