Note: This is an archvied version of our old webpage. Some links might be broken. The current one can be found here.
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Algorithms for the Undecided SS2015

  News | Content | Grading | Time schedule | Material

Please use the matching system on TUMOnline to apply for the seminar.

Wednesday 28 January 2015 at 1400 (Room 03-09-014)
First meeting. Attendance is strongly encouraged for those interested in taking the seminar.

Wednesday 25 February 2015
Those who have been selected to take part should send us a list of three papers that they would prefer to present. We will do our best to acommodate those preferences,

Friday 27 February 2015
Paper and tutor assignment. Everyone got first or second choice.

Speakers Topic Advisor
Friday, 26th June, Morning session 10am
Andreas Amler [9] Solving sat and sat modulo theories Christopher Broadbent
Maxim Schmidt [8] Combining decision procedures Antoine Durand-Gasselin
Friday, 26th June, Afternoon session 2pm
Maximilian Weininger [1] Yet another decision procedure for equality logic Antoine Durand-Gasselin
Christopher Ziegler [2] Bounds on the automata size for presburger arithmetic Antoine Durand-Gasselin
Lukas Michael von Stumberg [4] A randomized polynomial-time simplex algorithm Antoine Durand-Gasselin
Friday, July 3rd, 2pm
Benedikt Engeser [12] A type-directed approach to higher-order model checking Christopher Broadbent
Sebastian Pretscher [11] A decidable fragment of separation logic Christopher Broadbent
Clemens Jonischkeit [7] Small progress measures for solving parity games Christopher Broadbent

End of March
You should have read your assigned paper by then.

April 20th
You should have had the first meeting with your supervisor, you should present him a fairly detailled outline of your planned presentation.

Middle of May
By then, you are advised to have sent a 90% ready version of your slides to your advisor. You should meet with him to get feedback

Beginning of June
You are advised to have a third meeting with your adivisor to check he's happy with your presentation

Until mid June
Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse

2/3 days from mid-June to beginning of July
Presentations will take place. Attendance is mandatory for all participants for all presentations. We will do a survey to choose the best days.