The final grade is determined by a written exam at the end of the
term. In the exam you can reach up to 40 points corresponding to the
following grades:
- [36,40] points: 1,0
- [34,36) points: 1,3
- [32,34) points: 1,7
- [30,32) points: 2,0
- [28,30) points: 2,3
- [26,28) points: 2,7
- [24,26) points: 3,0
- [22,24) points: 3,3
- [19,22) points: 3,7
- [17,19) points: 4,0
- [11,17) points: 4,3
- [5,11) points: 4,7
- [0,5) points: 5,0
Exercises are
voluntary and do not account
for the final grade. They are however highly recommended.