Note: This is an archvied version of our old webpage. Some links might be broken. The current one can be found here.
Exercises 1: April 26 (discussion on April 26)
- Recap of logic. Read Tom Henzinger's
"How To Write a Proof".
- Prove or give a counterexample: (∀ x: ∀ y: p(x,y)
→ q(x)) → (∀ x: (∃ y: p(x,y)) →
- Does the linear arithmetic satisfaction relation (M |=LI phi) hold for
M = {v1 |-> -2, v2 |-> 3} and
phi = (2v1-3v2<=5) ?
- Does the Horn clause satisfaction relation (M |=CL clauses) hold
M = { p(i) |-> (i>=-10) } and
clauses = { i>=0 -> p(i), p(i) /\ i'=i+1 -> p(i') } ?
- Run an inference algorithm for the set of clauses from the
previous question.
clauses = { i>=0 -> p(i), p(i) /\ i'=i+1 -> p(i') }
Does the unbounded unfoldings algorithm terminate for this input?
If yes, how does the solution obtained compare to the assignment
M from the previous point?
Exercises 2: May 3 (discussion on May 3 to be continued on May 10)
- Run the abstract inference algorithm to obtain a safety argument for the
transition system given by
init(V) = (pc=1 /\ s=0 /\ i=n)
rho_r(V,V') = (pc=1 /\ pc'=1 /\ i>=0 /\ s'=s+i /\ i'=i-1 /\ n'=n) \/
(pc=1 /\ pc'=2 /\ i<0 /\ s'=s /\ i'=i /\ n'=n)
error(V) = (pc=2 /\ s<n)
- Write down a termination argument for the program given in the
previous exercise.
- Write down, if possible, a termination argument for the transition system given by
init(V) = true
next(V,Vp) = (x<y /\ x'=x+1 /\ y'=y) \/ (x>=y /\ x'=x /\ y'=y)
If you cannot find a termination argument, can you suggest how to modify the transition system
so that all its computations become finite?
Homework 1: May 3 (deadline on May 10, submit by email to popeea
at or on paper to my office 03.11.059)
- Run the abstract inference algorithm for the program discussed
at the tutorial on May 3, with the set of predicates Preds1 = {pc=1,
s=0}. Can you conclude that the program is safe from the results of
the abstract inference algorithm?
The program is given below:
init(V) = (pc=1 /\ s=0 /\ i=n)
rho_r(V,V') = (pc=1 /\ pc'=1 /\ i>=0 /\ s'=s+i /\ i'=i-1 /\ n'=n) \/
(pc=1 /\ pc'=2 /\ i<0 /\ s'=s /\ i'=i /\ n'=n)
error(V) = (pc=2 /\ s<n)
- Run the abstract inference algorithm for the same program, with
the set of predicates Preds1 = {n<=s+i, pc=1, n<=s}. Can you
conclude that the program is safe from the results of the abstract
inference algorithm?
Exercises 3: May 10
- Write down a termination argument for the following program:
init(V) = (pc=1 /\ s=0 /\ i=n)
rho_r(V,V') = (pc=1 /\ pc'=1 /\ i>=0 /\ s'=s+i /\ i'=i-1 /\ n'=n) \/
(pc=1 /\ pc'=2 /\ i<0 /\ s'=s /\ i'=i /\ n'=n)
- Write down, if possible, a termination argument for the transition system given by
init(V) = true
next(V,Vp) = (x<y /\ x'=x+1 /\ y'=y) \/ (x>=y /\ x'=x /\ y'=y)
If you cannot find a termination argument, can you suggest how to modify the
transition system so that all its computations become finite?
- Write a computation that starts from the state s1=((ret |-> 0, n
|-> 1, pc_main |-> l1), empty-stack) for the program:
int ret;
f(int i) {
if (i>0) {
ret = ret+i;
} else {
ret = 0;
void main() {
int n;
ret = ret;
Exercises 4: May 16 (discussion on May 17)
- Prove:
- ∀ φ, V: φ(V) → α (φ(V)).
α is monotonic, i.e., ∀ φ, ψ: (∀V:
φ(V) → ψ(V)) → (∀V: α
(φ(V)) → α (ψ(V))).
- Give an inductive invariant that proves safety for each of the
following programs.
main(int x, int y) {
l1: assume(x == 0);
l2: if(y >= 0)
l3: assert(y > x);
l4: }
main(int n) {
int i, j;
l1: assume(n >= 0);
l2: i = 0; j = n;
l3: while(i < j) { i++; j--; }
l4: assert(i+j == n);
main(int n) {
int i; int j; bool inc;
l1: i = 0; j = n; inc = false;
l2: while(i < n) {
l3: if(not inc) {
j++; inc = true;
} else {
j--; inc = false;
l4: i++;
l5: assert(j <= n+1);
Exercises 5: May 23 (discussion on May 24)
- Compute summaries for the following program:
f() {
m1: if (*)
m2: f();
m3: }
main() {
l1: assume(*);
l2: f();
l3: assert(*);
l4: }
Homework 2: May 24 (deadline on May 30, noon; submit by email to popeea
at or on paper to Corneliu)
- Compute summaries for the procedures f and main using the unbounded
inference algorithm.
f() {
m1: if (*)
m2: f();
m3: }
main() {
l1: assume(*);
l2: f();
l3: assert(*);
l4: }
Exercises 6: May 24 (discussion on May 31)
- Represent the entailments defining reachable states for
multi-threaded programs as Horn clauses.
Note that these entailments where given in the lecture from 13.05,
- Use the unbounded inference algorithm to solve the Horn clauses
obtained in the previous exercise with the following program:
P = (N, VG, V1, V2, init, next1, next2)
N = 2
VG = (x)
V1 = (pc1)
V2 = (pc2)
init(VG,V1) = (x=0 /\ pc1=A /\ pc2=C)
next1(VG,V1,VG',V1') = (x'=x+1 /\ pc1=A /\ pc1'=B)
next2(VG,V2,VG',V2') = (x'=x+2 /\ pc2=C /\ pc2'=D)
Note that this transition system representation corresponds to a
program with two threads and one global variable x initially 0.
A: x=x+1; || C: x=x+2;
B: D:
How many distinct concrete program states correspond to the solution
you obtained? Note that a concrete program state is a triple with
values for the variables x, pc1 and pc2.
Exercises 7: Jun 21 (discussion on demand on Jun 24, send email before Jun 24 to
Download the exercise sheet here.
Exercises 8: Jun 25 (discussion on Jun 28)
- Let AP = {green, yellow, red} and σ = ({green}{green}{green}{yellow}{red}{red}{red}{yellow,red})ω. Does σ satisfy the following properties:
- Xgreen ∨ yellow ,
- ¬greenUred ,
- ¬(greenUred) ?
- Let AP = {green, yellow, red}. Write the following properties as LTL formulas (derived operators are allowed):
- Red and yellow occur together infinitely often.
- From some time point onward red and green never occur together.
- Whenever green turns on, green continues for at least two consecutive time units.
- Consider a program P with States={s0, s1, s2}, init={s0}, transitions s1→s0→s2→s1. Let AP={a,b}. Let a label just s1 and b label just s2. Which of the following formulas hold for P?
- Fa ∧ Fb ,
- F(a∧b) ,
- Fa U G¬(a∧b) ,
- GFb .