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Logic 2011

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About half the course is based on

Uwe Schöning:
Logic for Computer Scienctists
Modern Birkäuser Classics, Reprint of the 1989 edition.

The book contains many (solved) exercises. I recommend buying a copy, but you can also find several copies in the library (both of the German and Englsh versions, see below).

If you speak German, you may prefer the German original to the English translation (it is also cheaper). Make sure you buy the last edition.

Uwe Schöning:
Logik für Informatiker
Spektrum, 2000.
There are many textbooks on logic. Here is a (rather arbitrary) selection, both in English and German:
Michael Huth and Mark Ryan:
Logic in Computer Science
Cambridge University Press, 2004.
John Harrison:
Handbook of Practical Logic and Automated Reasoning
Cambridge University Press, 2009.
Jon Barwise and John Etchemendy:
Language, Proof, and Logic
Seven Bridges Press, 2000.
Hans Kleine Büning, Theodor Lettmann:
Aussagenlogik: Deduktion und Algorithmen
Teubner, 1994.
Heinz-Dieter Ebbinghaus, Jörg Flum, Wolfgang Thomas:
Einführung in die mathematische Logik
Spektrum, 1996.
Here is a text on the history of logic:
William and Martha Kneale:
The Development of Logic
Clarendon Press, 1985.
A classic of popular science discussing logic (among other topics):
Douglas R. Hofstadter:
Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
Basic Books, 1999.
auf deutsch: Gödel, Escher, Bach: Ein Endloses Geflochtenes Band
dtv, 1991.
Another classic by *the* master of logical puzzles (who is also an excellent professional logician):
Raymond M. Smullyan:
"To Mock a Mockingbird" and Other Logic Puzzles
Knopf, 1985.
auf deutsch: Spottdrosseln und Metavögel
W. Krüger Verlag, 1986.