Note: This is an archvied version of our old webpage. Some links might be broken. The current one can be found here.


We will have two consecutive lectures each Tuesday (with a 15min break), at least in the first weeks to compensate for the delayed start of the lecture.

If this works reasonably well, the plan is to have then exactly two consecutive lectures each Tuesday (with tutorials approx. every second Wednesday) and end the lecture then prematurely, more precisely:

We have 1.5 lectures and 0.5 tutorials per week for 14 weeks in the summer term (23.04.-27.07.), i.e. approx. 21 lectures and 7 tutorials.

With three lectures in the first week, and two lectures in the subsequent weeks, we would be done around 09.07.2019.


Alternating with the lectures, no fixed scheduled, will be announced in class.

Expected previous knowledge

Basics of graph theory, formal language theory, probability theory, and logics as taught in the courses IN0015, IN011, and IN0018.

Courses IN2041 (automata and formal languages), IN2049 (logics), and IN2239 (algorithmic game theory) can be of help, but are not required.

Content (Outline)

We study games which occur frequently in theoretical computer science (verification, synthesis, logics), and mathematics (topology, operations research) and how they interact with each other.