Note: This is an archvied version of our old webpage. Some links might be broken. The current one can be found here.


Depending on the number of participants, the exam will be either written or oral. Will be decided briefly after the end of the registration period.

In case of a written exam, the tentative date is

Should the exam be oral, we will fix the dates at the end of the lecture period in class.

There will be no retake exam.

Grading for written exams

Grades will be determined using the following table:

Points - Grade
[0,5) 5,0
[5,11) 4,7
[11,17) 4,3
[17,19] 4,0
(19,22] 3,7
(22,24] 3,3
(24,26] 3,0
(26,28] 2,7
(28,30] 2,3
(30,32] 2,0
(32,34] 1,7
(34,36] 1,3
(36,40] 1,0

where (a,b] = { x ∈ ℜ : a < x ≤ b } and [a,b) = { x ∈ ℜ : a ≤ x < b }.