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Cryptography WS 2013/2014

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Password for the slides (new "feature")

As I hopefully have some time now to update this somewhat regularly, from now on you will have to solve some little exercises to access the slides.

The answers to the exercises will give you the current password then.

The user is always "crypto13" (all lower case).

Note that the password is case-sensitive in general.

  • Password "quiz" (17.01.2014):

    Implement the missing code in here.

    You should only (need to) edit main.cpp. The comments will tell you what you have to do.

    (There might be some bugs in the code -- but as long as you don't fix them and add no new bugs it should work; the keccak implementation is taken from [here].)

  • Password "quiz" (10.12.2013) (old):

    The password pw to the slides is constructed as follows pw = k1||k2||k3||k4||k5 ("||" denotes the concatenation of strings)

    where k1,k2,k3,k4,k5 are written in decimal and defined as follows:

    • 0<= k1 < 106 is the (unique) solution to 26k1107 23 34^(k1) = 101 (mod 107) (34 is only a generator of QR107 and thus has only order 53.).
    • 0<= k2 < k3 < k4 < k5 < 55 are the (only) solutions to the equation X255 34
    The numbers are small enough to solve the problems using brute force and standard 32bit integers (as long as you do not simply first compute 34^x in its "full glory").

Slides (updated on 03.02.2014)


Annotated slides

No guarantee whatsoever, in particular regarding spelling, read at your own risk!

References, Further Reading, Tools