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Cryptography WS 2011/2012

  News | Dates | Grading | Content | Exercises | Material | Programming Project


  • Final version (02.02.2012, 13:30): [Slides] [Slides as script]

    Further changes/fixes will be published here on the webpage.

    User: crypto11, Password pw to access the slides is constructed by:
    • pw = x || y where
    • x^{17} mod 7571 = 369, and
    • k * y mod 4547 = 4486 where k is the secret key generated by Alice and Bob using the Diffie-Hellman protocol w.r.t.
      • the group of quadratic residues generatd by 9 modulo the safe prime 4547,
      • Bob's secret b=23, and
      • Alice's public information hA=1607.
    • As usual, || denotes the concatenation of the two numbers.
    • Use e.g. Wolfram alpha, it can handle all the required operations easily.

References, Further Reading, Tools