- August 4 Unfortunately, the definiton of maximal cliques in Exercise 4 of the exam was erroneous.
It should simply have been defined as a largest clique wrt number of nodes in the clique
to yield an exercise comparable to the one for maxIndset.
For details, see the new sample solution.
- part (a) was not affected and points remain the same
- part (b) was solvable with either definition and people were awarded points if they solved it
- parts (c) and (d) were incorrect with the wrong definition; hence everybody receives full score (3 points)
The updated results can be found here.
- August 03 A solution to the final exam can be found here[Updated 04.08.2010]
- August 02
- The preliminary results of the final exam can be found there: HERE[Updated 04.08.2010]
- After the exam inspection on this Thursday (10:00 am, 03.09.014) the results will be published via TUMonline.
- July 19
- No lecture on July 20!
- The exam is on August 2 starting at 9.30am.
You have 120 minutes to work on it.
- Please be in the lecture hall no later than 9.15am!
- lecture hall: MW 2050
- July 7
- July 2
In Exercise 10.4(b) you need to adapt the algorithm from (a) such that it runs in time polynomial in n and the optimal value.
You can do this by slight change to the data structures used in (a).
- June 24
There was en error in Exercise 9.2(a): the time for calculating the probability should, of course, be polynomial
in the length of the formula, not constant -- the latter makes only sense if the formulae are assumed to be of constant length.
- June 15
Get an extra bonus point for the exam by implementing the
interactive protocol to decide membership in QBF. Specification
- June 2
- The current results of the questionnaires are now online. You can access them via the exercise homepage.
- No exercise today. Exercise sheet 6 is going to be discussed next week (09.02), exercise sheet 7 the week thereafter (16.02).
- May 26
You can register for the exam at TUM online
- May 26
Please come up with potential exam questions and put them in the envelope
at the door of room 03.11.40!
- No lecture on May 25!
- April 30
There was an error in Ex.2.3(b). The language B must be non-trivial. Corrected version uploaded.
- April 28
Updated content, material, uploaded slide sets 3 and 4.
- April 21
Updated grading, content, material, uploaded slide sets 1 and 2.
- April 20
First lecture at 8.30am, room 00.08.038.
- February 9
Creation of this site.