Automata and Formal Languages 2013/14
This lecture requires basic knowledge in automata theory, e.g.,
obtained during the course 'Einführung in die theoretische Informatik'.
A detailed description of the contents can be found in the lecture notes.
Here is an outline:
Automata on finite words
- Automata classes and conversions
- Regular expressions, deterministic and nondetermistic automata, finite monoids
- Conversion algorithms
- Algorithms for automata
- Word problem
- emptiness
- Powerset construction
- Product automaton
- Minimizing DFAs (Moore's algorithm, Hopcroft's algorithm, Brzozowski's algorithm)
- Hopcroft-Karp equivalence test
- Angluin's L*-learning algorithm
- Presburger arithmetic
- Automata and logic
Automata on infinite words
- Automata classes and conversions
- Omega-regular expressions
- Büchi, Rabin, Streett, Muller, and parity automata
- recognition by finite semigroups
- strongly unambiguous Büchi automata (aka Carton-Michel automata)
- Boolean operations
- Union and intersection
- Complementation (Ramsey based, Klarlund's construction)
- Emptiness check
- Equivalence
- Safra's construction
- deterministic automaton models
- topological properties