Automata and Formal Languages 2012/13
Dear participants in the oral examination in IN2041 Automata,
please check your exam time in TUMonline in "Information" section of the exam results and confirm to Jan's email.
The exam will take place in 03.11.054. In the same room at 10:00 this Friday 15th March, there will also be a 5 minute information talk given about the exam (not compulsory).
There will be a repetition exam on March 20. This will be an oral exam!
The programming competition was won by group #6 (Manuel Eberl and Philipp Meyer). Congratulations!
The final results (incl. the programming assignment) are now in TUMonline.
Details on the exam can be found in Exam section.
Feedback for the first part can be found in the programming assignment section.
The wrong link for the slides on boolean operations has been corrected, it should work now.
The second part of the programming assignment has been released. It will be briefly discussed today during the lecture. Read more in the programming assignment section.
The next set of slides (booelan operations for Buechi automata) is ready.
Happy new year to everyone. I have finished the first set of slides for omega-automata. Sorry for the delay.
An updated version of the assignment with the already mentioned changes has been uploaded. All the changes are marked there. These are (1) the use of : (the colon symbol), (2) the trap state may be present, (3) Gamma contains no numbers. Due to the changes the deadline has been postponed to January 7, 2013.
Another change has been made in the programming assignment. ":" now stands for all elements of Sigma that are not in Gamma. This symbol will not appear on the input, but you can use it in the non-extended expressions instead of the confusing "!(A|...|Z|a|...|z)" which means something else in the extended expressions.
A bug has been fixed in the parser and the grammar. Letters are now indeed only letters and numbers can be used only in powers. There was a problem with expession of the form (something)^one_digit_number.
There has been a little change in the set of slides "Verification". The slide
showing the Lamport-Burns mutex algorithm contained a version of the algorithm that did not
match the representation as network of automata. The mistake has now been corrected.
Since there might be an odd number of the assignment participants, Joseph Hajj established a
doodle where the rest of you can pair up. If you have any questions, you can contact him at "josephf.hajj" at "gmail.com".
The programming assignment has been released. It will be briefly discussed during the Monday lecture. Look for your team mates and ask for an svn, read more in the programming assignment section.
Small mistakes in the pattern matching slides have been
I have improved the slides on minimizations and reduction to correct the
inaccuracy in the definition of quotient observed by Daniel Weissauer (many thanks!). The lecture notes have also been improved a bit.
Since many students have collisions with other courses,
we have decided to offer two (identical) exercise sessions each week: Tuesdays, 12:15-13:45
and Thursdays 10:15-11:45. The Thursday session will take place in room
02.13.010. The first Thursday session will be on October 25. The room of the Tuesday session
has not been fixed yet, most probably it will be 03.07.11. The first Tuesday session will be on October 30.
If you cannot participate in the Thursday 10:15-11:45 session, please indicate your availability on Tuesday
CHANGE: The first exercise session on 18.10 will be replaced by a regular lecture.
Creation of the website.