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Automata and Formal Languages 2011/12

  News | Dates | Grading | Content | Exercises | Exam | Material | Programming Assignment
Note: This is an archvied version of our old webpage. Some links might be broken. The current one can be found here.
The task description is here. If anything is unclear, write me an email.

If you have fixed your programming group (you are allowed to work in pairs) write me (jan.kretinsky AT an email with the subject AFL-SVN and a body containing your names and student-id numbers and I will reply with your login and password for your svn. You can then checkout your repository by
svn co⟨login⟩ --username ⟨login⟩ --password ⟨password⟩

You should upload your final solution to this svn by December 21.

Files input, f1, f2 referred in the assignment.

Another example: files input2, f3, f4, f5. Firstly, f3 recognizes (1,1) and (0,0), thus after negation (1,0) and (0,1). Secondly, f4 recognizes (3,1) and (2,0), thus after the join it is (3,0) and (2,1). Thirdly, f5 recognizes (3,0)---but of length 3, i.e. (011,000)---, thus after the intersection, we are left with (3,0). FInally, the projection yields 3, which is the output.

You may all upload your examples and share them for testing purposes using the following svn repository:
Username: afl-ws1112-stud39 Password: bjAv3hgj

The second part

The task description of the second part is here.

Here you can find (compressed in .rar) the following data:

Results of the first part

Your programs have so far been tested on the two examples given with the following results. Different problems on input and input2 are separated by a comma ",". The number of points awarded follows after the group number. The maximum is 4.
  • 1: 0 nothing submitted
  • 2: 4 ok
  • 3: 4 ok
  • 4: 2->3.5 Error1 -> wrong output file and format; ok
  • 5: 4 ok, NullPointerException -> ok
  • 6: 4 ok
  • 7: 4 ok, parsing failed -> ok
  • 8: 3.5 wrong I/O files; ok, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException -> wrong I/O files; ok
  • 9: 4 ok
  • 10: 4 ok
  • 11: 0 nothing submitted
  • 12: 0 NullPointerException
  • 13: 4 UnsupportedClass exception -> ok, Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2 /* afl2.jar */ -> ok
  • 14: 3.5 NullPointerException -> ok except for the quotes problem
  • 15: 2 nothing submitted -> wrong output file; empty output -> wrong output file and output format; ok
  • 16: 0 nothing submitted -> wrong input files; NullPointerException
  • 17: 4 ok, Malformed command -> ok
  • 18: 4 ok
  • 19: 1.5 no executable and no description.txt -> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException, ok
  • 20: 2.5 nothing submitted -> ok
  • 21: 2 no executable; wrong output format; ok, Matching failed -> no executable; wrong output format; ok, empty file -> no description file; ok
  • 22: 3.5 wrong output file; ok, Value error -> wrong output file; ok
  • 23: 0 Union exception, NullPointerException
  • 24: 4 ok, NullPointerException -> ok
  • 25: 3.5 Unsupported class exception -> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: FixedLengthLanguages/main : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 -> ok (but jar does not work) -> ok
  • 26: 4 Calculation exception -> ok
  • 27: 0 nothing submitted
  • 28: 0 no executable and no description.txt
  • 29: 1 no executable and no description.txt -> not in executable format: File format not recognized /* after running the compiled file */ -> wrong output file; wrong result, ok
  • 30: 4 NoClassDefinitionFound exception ->
    java -jar evaluator.jar input /* in your svn folder, your submitted evaluator.jar */
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: automata/Evaluator
    ./ /* compilation in your svn folder */
    Could not find a directory for temporary files -> wrong input files -> ok
  • 31: 3.5 wrong output file; ok, NullPointerException -> wrong output file; ok
  • 32: 0 nothing submitted
  • 33: 0 nothing submitted
  • 34: 3.5 failed to load main class -> ok (mailed solution)
  • 35: 4 ok, NullPointerException -> ok
  • 36: 4 ok, Error: Expected variable -> ok
  • 37: 3.5 no executable and compile error -> ok
  • 38: 3 nothing submitted -> ok
  • 39: (test cases)
  • 40: 2.5 nothing submitted -> ok