Automata and Formal Languages 2009/10
This lecture requires basic knowledge in automata theory, e.g.,
obtained during the course 'Einführung in die theoretische Informatik'.
Below there is a rough outline of the topics. This list is
subject to change and will be updated based on progress and student
- Finite Automata over finite words
- Classical constructions for DFA (union, intersection,
complement, determinization)
- Algorithms and complexity of such constructions (e.g.
PSPACE-completeness of universality of DFA)
- Applications: pattern matching, verification
- Finite Automata over infinite words
- Omega words and omega automata
- Büchi automata
- Union, Product, Determinization, Complement
- Muller, Rabin, Street automata
- Büchi automata in verification
- Automata and Logic
- Monadic Second Order Logic (MSO) over words
- Equivalence of MSO and regular languages
- Monadic Second Order logic of One successor (S1S)
- Equivalence of MSO and omega-regular languages
- Presburger arithmetic
- Linear Temporal Logic (LTL)
- Timed Automata