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Publications - A Semantics for Procedure Local Heaps and its Abstractions


N. Rinetzky, J. Bauer, T. Reps, M. Sagiv, and R. Wilhelm. A Semantics for Procedure Local Heaps and its Abstractions. Tech. Rep. 1, AVACS, Sep 2004.

Suggested BibTeX entry:

    author = {N. Rinetzky and J. Bauer and T. Reps and M. Sagiv and R. Wilhelm},
    institution = {AVACS},
    month = {Sep},
    number = {1},
    title = {{A}~{S}emantics for {P}rocedure {L}ocal {H}eaps and its {A}bstractions},
    type = {Tech. Rep.},
    year = {2004}

PDF (443 kB)