Algorithms for the Undecided WS2011/2012
- 12.03.2012 (proposed) Solutions to the Homework sheets are now online.
- 19.01.2012
Almost All Slides+Exercises are online. Hand in solution attempts at
my office (03.11.055) or send them to schlund@model.in.tum.de until February 17th.
- 04.10.2011
Only one place left (topic: Real Arithmetic) ... decide fast if you are interested Aaaand it's gone. :)
- 18.08.2011 Most of the topics have been assigned. Note that there are only two slots left! For inquiries write an e-mail to schlund@in.tum.de.
- 11.07.2011
First Meeting (Vorbesprechung) will be on Thursday 21.07. at 14:15 in room 03.09.014.
- 04.07.2011
Creation of the website.