July 13
June 15
May 31
Final exam:
Date: Monday, July 26, 2010.
Time: 14:15 - 16:45
Where: MI HS 2
Tutorial on Tuesday, June 1st at 4pm (to compensate for June 3rd).
Mid-term exam:
Time&date: During tutorial on June 10.
Scope: You can suggest problem statements for this exam via e-mail until June 7.
We will consider material from lectures 1-12.
Due date for Exercise 4 is June 7, 9:55am CET.
May 11
This week's tutorial is moved from Thu, May 13th, to Wed, May 12th. Same time and place.
The webpage now contains pointers to the script on interpolation and a chapter on propositional logic, see content.
The current homework deadline is extended. The assignment is extended.
We will discuss the previous assignment and the extension on Wednesday.
April 22
A simple algorithm and its proof put online. See content.
April 21
Grading and examination rules are determined. See basic information.
April 20
February 26
Page Created.
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