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Cryptography WS 2016/2017

  News | Dates | Exam | Content | Tutorials | Slides | Contact


The exam results are now online. The exam inspection takes place in room 03.11.058 on Thursday (16/03/2017), starting at 13:30h.
Please contact Stefan Jaax via email in order to reserve a time slot:


The 7th exercise sheet is now available. It will be discussed next Wednesday (8/2/2017).


The 5th exercise sheet is now available. It will be discussed next Tuesday (16/2/2017).


The 4th exercise sheet is now available. It will be discussed next Tuesday (13/12/2016).


The third exercise sheet is now available.


The solutions to the second exercise sheet are now available. Owing to a lack of time, we did not manage to discuss 2.1 d) in detail, so please study the solution on your own (the basic intuition was given, but the proof is a little more subtle).


Last week's slides are now available. Please notice that you must solve a revised password quiz in order to be able to access the material. For the quiz, you need the notion of 'negligible function', as defined on Wikipedia .


The second exercise sheet is now available. It will be discussed next Wednesday (16/11/2016).


Today's lecture is cancelled.


The solution to the first sheet is now available on our website. After today's lesson, the following question was raised:
  • How can you compute the inverse of the affine permutations from ex. 1.1 b) ?

    If your original permutation is given by y = a*x + b (mod 2^n), then x = a^-1(y + (-b)) (mod 2^n) where a^-1 is the multiplicative modular inverse of a and -b is the additive modular inverse of b. The multiplicative inverse is guaranteed to exist, as a and 2^n are co-prime.


The first exercise sheet is now available in the tutorials section.
It will be discussed next Wednesday (26/10/2016) in the tutorial session.
The sheet contains exercises concerning Perfect Secrecy and One-Time Pads. These concepts are introduced in the lecture on Tuesday (25/10/2016).


This week's slides (lectures 18/10/2016 and 19/10/2016) are now available on our website.


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