Cryptography WS 2015/2016
22. Feb 2016
Results have been published via TUMonline. The post exam review will be on the 29.02.2016 in 03.11.051 from 10:00 to 11:00.
28. Jan 2016
If you can read German, heise has an article that IETF just recently accepted two elliptic curves of the Edward's form, one being the "Bernstein" curve:
06. January 2016
Slides for Lectures 12-16 are now online.
29. November 2015
Slides for Lectures 8-11 are now online.
13. November 2015
Slides for Lectures 5-7 are now online.
10. November 2015
Next tutorial this Thursday (12.11.).
29. October 2015
The new version of the slides for Lectures 1-4 can be found
here, and also under ``Material''. As mentioned at the beginning ofteh course,
the changes with respect to the slides for 2014 are mostly cosmetic.
Today there was a mistake in this slide.
(This was probably the reason for one of your questions, sorry for not
noticing ...). The first line in the derivation is incorrect. You can find
the correct slide in page 85 of the set of slides above.
14. October 2015
The lecture on 28.10.15 is cancelled due to a collision with
the Fachschaftsvollversammlung (general assembly of the student union).
14. October 2015
Today it has been agreed by majority that on Wednesdays
the lecture starts at 10:15 and on Thursdays at 12:15.
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