Automata and Formal Languages 2008/09
Current News
- Inspection of exam: Room 03.11.058; Wednesday, February 11, 2009; 16.00 - 17.30
- The results of the exam are online.
- The exam and sample solutions are available here.
Old News
- Solutions to test exam online.
- The test exam (Sheet 13) and the solutions to Sheet 12 are available
- More information about the exam is now available.
- We will have an additional lecture on Thursday, Jan 15 in room
02.09.014 from 14.15 to 15.45.
- The tutorial on Thursday, Jan 15 is also moved to room 02.09.014
(from 03.09.014).
- The results of the evaluation of the course are here.
- The tutorial on January 8 is canceled due to illness.
- The solution to the MONA exercise (8.1.) is available.
- No tutorial on Thursday, Dec 4 (Dies academicus).
- Exercise Sheet 8 will be online on Dec 4.
- Room change 1 From November 27, the tutorial will be given in
03.09.014 instead of HS2.
- Room change 2 On December 3, the lecture will be given in
02.07.023 instead of HS3.
- Programming Competition! Win fabulous prizes! See the description and the challenges here.
- No tutorial on November 13. Sheet 4 will be discussed in combinationwith Sheet 5 on November 20.
- Please hand in your solution to Sheet 4 before the lecture on Wednesday, November 12.
- Sheet 5 will be handed out before that lecture, too.
- Room change:The tutorial on November 6 will take place in room 02.07.023 instead of HS2!
- Update to Exercise 3.1: Please assume that all states are final states.
- The lecture on October 29 is cancelled due to a student assembly!
- The date for the exam has been fixed to February 4, 2009 in lecture hall HS3 at 12.15.
- October 16: The first exercise sheet
is online. There will be no tutorial today. You may hand in your solutions
to the first exercises during the tutorial next week.
- October 1: The first lecture will take place on Monday, October 13, at 12 noon.
- October 1: First entry.