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Publications - Weighted Pushdown Systems and Their Application to Interprocedural Dataflow Analysis


Thomas Reps, Stefan Schwoon, Somesh Jha, and David Melski. Weighted pushdown systems and their application to interprocedural dataflow analysis. Science of Computer Programming, 58(1–2):206–263, October 2005. Special Issue on the Static Analysis Symposium 2003.

Suggested BibTeX entry:

    author = {Thomas Reps and Stefan Schwoon and Somesh Jha and David Melski},
    journal = {Science of Computer Programming},
    month = {October},
    note = {Special Issue on the Static Analysis Symposium 2003},
    number = {1--2},
    pages = {206--263},
    title = {Weighted Pushdown Systems and Their Application to Interprocedural Dataflow Analysis},
    volume = {58},
    year = {2005}

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Conference version, Tech report version