Publications - A Uniform Framework for Problems on Context-Free Grammars
Javier Esparza, Peter Rossmanith, and Stefan Schwoon. A uniform framework for problems on context-free grammars. EATCS Bulletin, 72:169–177, October 2000.
Bouajjani and others presented an automata-based approach to a number of elementary problems on context-free grammars. This approach is of pedagogical interest since it provides a uniform solution to decision procedures usually solved by independent algorithms in textbooks. This paper improves upon previous work in a number of ways. We present a new algorithm which not only has a better space complexity but is also (in our opinion) easier to read and understand. Moreover, a closer inspection reveals that the new algorithm is competitive to well-known solutions for most (but not all) standard problems.
Suggested BibTeX entry:
author = {Javier Esparza and Peter Rossmanith and Stefan Schwoon},
journal = {EATCS Bulletin},
month = {October},
pages = {169--177},
title = {A Uniform Framework for Problems on Context-Free Grammars},
volume = {72},
year = {2000}