Publications - Ontologies Across the Disciplines
M. Nickles, A. Pease, A. C. Schalley, and D. Zaefferer. Ontologies across the disciplines. In A. C. Schalley and D. Zaefferer, editors, Ontolinguistics. How Ontological Status Shapes the Linguistic Coding of Concepts. Mouton de Gruyter, 2006.
Suggested BibTeX entry:
author = {M. Nickles and A. Pease and A. C. Schalley and D. Zaefferer},
booktitle = {Ontolinguistics. How Ontological Status Shapes the Linguistic Coding of Concepts},
editor = {A. C. Schalley and D. Zaefferer},
publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter},
title = {Ontologies Across the Disciplines},
year = {2006}
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