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jMoped - A Test Environment for Java Programs


The screenshots show how jMoped can be used for testing a quicksort implementation. The plug-in is on the left-hand side under the Progress View tab. Under Number of Bits: and Heap Size:, users must tell jMoped how many bits integer variables should have, and how 'big' the memory is. Then, users select the sort method in which the analysis should start.

jMoped simulates the execution of sort for all possible array values inside a range. Users can indicate ranges by using Java annotations. In the example, the array has length at most three and each element can be only zero or one. jMoped puts green markers in front of Java statements if they are reachable from sort by some argument values. Black markers mean not reachable. The red marker at line 44 means that the assertion statement has been violated.

Users have some options when clicking on markers.

A call trace can be generated.

Also, a JUnit test case can be generated for further testings.