Note: This is an archvied version of our old webpage. Some links might be broken. The current one can be found here.
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Chair for Foundations of Software Reliability and Theoretical Computer Science
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Model Checking
held by: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Helmut Veith †
held in: SS 2007
schedule: Wednesday, 08:30 - 11:00 (MI HS3)
    start date: 2007-04-18 / end date: 2007-07-21

Thursday, 12:30 - 14:00 (03.11.018)
    start date: 2007-04-19 / end date: 2007-07-21

news: Die nächste Vorlesung findet am Donnerstag, 12.7. statt.
sws: 4

4 SWS Wahlpflicht-Vorlesung im Bereich Informatik III (Theoretische Informatik)
Wahlfach aus dem Fachgebiet "Formale Methoden und ihre Anwendungen" (FMA)

Studierende im Hauptstudium der Informatik
Studierende im Master-Studiengang Informatik
Studierende mit Nebenfach Informatik

Alle Informationen zur Übung finden Sie hier


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downloadable material:
title / description download
Temporal Logic Model Checking
click here...
Basic Fixpoint Theorems
click here...
Binary Decision Diagrams
click here...
Symbolic Model Checking
click here...
click here...
Simulation / Abstraction
click here...
Folien SAT Solving
click here...
Folien Anwendung von SAT-Solvern
click here...
Bounded Model Checking
click here...
LTL Model Checking
click here...
LTL-Büchi Transformation
click here...
click here...
Partial Order Reduction
click here...
Software Model Checking
click here...
Verification Across Intellectual Property Boundaries
click here...