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Chair for Foundations of Software Reliability and Theoretical Computer Science
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Tools und Methodiken zur Fehlersuche in Computerprogrammen
held by: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Helmut Veith †
Dr. Christian Schallhart
Dipl.-Inf. Michael Tautschnig
held in: WS 2007/2008
sws: 2
ects: 4
Das Seminar findet als Blockveranstaltung im Wintersemester 2007/2008 statt. Die Vorbesprechung wird zu Beginn des Semesters stattfinden. Interessenten melden sich bitte schon jetzt via E-Mail an Michael Tautschnig an. Mögliche Themen sind:
  • Delta Debugging: In delta debugging, the goal is to localize the reason for a failure automatically by systematically changing the circumstances (inputs, program source) which caused the failure. Using this approach, even bugs in systems as large as the GNU C compiler could be isolated automatically. Starting Point:
  • Runtime Verification: Approaches categorized under runtime verification use some specification to monitor the running system and to report on dynamically observed violations of these specifications. Starting Point: Runtime Verification 2007 Preproceedings
  • Diagnosis: In this field, the challenge is to localize a fault, typically by using some model of the system under diagnosis. There is a broad number of different approaches to achieve this goal. Starting Point: Wolfgang Mayer, Markus Stumptner: Model-Based Debugging - State of the Art And Future Challenges. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 174(4): 61-82 (2007)
  • Self-Healing Software: Because of the increasing size and complexity of today's software systems, approaches to check their behavior for correctness and to react on failures are becoming more important. Stating Point: "A survey of self-management in dynamic software architecture specifications" and the "Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSOFT workshop on Self-managed systems" in general.
  • Program Slicing: A slice is a subset of program statements. In program slicing, we attempt to find meaningful slices from a certain point of view. For example, we might be interested in all those statements which are collaboratively responsible for the value of a variable at a certain program location and at a certain execution step. Starting Point: The paper which introduced the term -- M. Weiser. Program Slicing. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, SE--10(4):352--357, 1982.
  • Practical Static Analysis: Static analysis refers to methods which analyze the software at hand statically, i.e., without executing it. These techniques range---depending on the definition---from compiler construction methods like flow analysis, over abstract interpretation, to model checking. Choose one or two tools on static analysis and present their capabilities. Starting Point: