Here is a list of the course topics. Notcie, however, that for pedagogical reasons the
topics may not be presented in this order.
- Propositional logic
- Basic notions
- Syntax and semantics
- Satisfiability, validity, consequence, equivalence
- Normal forms
- Propositional calculi
- Resolution
- Binary decision diagrams
- Hilbert calculus
- Predicate logic
- Basic notions
- Syntax and semantics
- Satisfiability, validity, consequence, equivalence
- Normal forms
- Undecidability of the validity problem
- Herbrand theory, completeness theorem and semi-decidability
- Calculi for predicate logic
- Resolution
- Hilbert calculus
- Mathematical theories and decision procedures
- Applications
- Modelling and verification of digital circuits
- Databases
- Automated reasoning
- Prolog