Note: This is an archvied version of our old webpage. Some links might be broken. The current one can be found here.


The solutions to the last exercise sheet are now online. In class the question was raised why (m mod q) = m in exercise 7.1 c). This follows directly from the case distinction: Since q is prime and gcd(m, q) < q, it follows that m is in the multiplicative group mod q.


The 6th exercise sheet is now available on our website. It will be discussed next Wednesday, February 6th.


The 5th exercise sheet is now available on our website. It will be discussed next Tuesday, January 29th.


The password for accessing the slides has changed (username is still crypto18). See subsection 'Password'.


The solution to the fourth exercise sheet is now available.

In yesterday's lesson, the question was raised why ℤ^*_λ(n) is a subset of ℤ^*_ϕ(n). The fact that λ(n) divides ϕ(n) does not suffice for the derivation, e.g. ℤ^*_3 is not a subset of ℤ^*_6, even though 3 divides 6. We added a derivation of the relationship to the solution of Exercise 5.3 c).


The fourth exercise sheet is available. It will be discussed next Tuesday, January 8th next Wednesday, January 9th.


There were some graded sheets missing from Quiz 2. Who has not been handed back Quiz 2, can fetch it at Stefan's office (Room 3.11.55) tomorrow, Thursday 13:00-16:00h or the day after tomorrow, Friday 13:00-16:00h.


We continue discussing the third exercise sheet tomorrow, December 11th.


The third exercise sheet is now available on our website. It will be discussed next Wednesday, November 28th.


The second exercise sheet is now available on our website. It will be discussed next Tuesday, November 20th.


The solution to the first exercise sheet is now available on our website.


The first exercise sheet is now available on our website. It will be discussed next Tuesday, November 6th.


Website created.